Tingling in your fingers can come from the joints in the hands and fingers, from irritation to the carpel tunnel in the wrist (a major freeway in the wrist for nerves to the hands), from problems in the elbow or even the radius (an arm bone) being jammed down into the wrist.
Elbow tingling can come from the radius bone being out of alignment and the muscles over stretched, so you lose the elbow joint stability. Shoulder pain often starts because our biceps tendon at the top of our shoulder gets out of its home groove, throwing off the alignment of all the shoulder muscles in the back and the front.
Often your neck joints are impinging on the nerves and you can feel it anywhere from the neck to the hands. We can tell which nerves are irritated by which muscles in the hand are weak.
Dr. Pam & Dr. Max correct these problems by diagnosing using palpation and our specialty, Muscle Testing, correcting the alignment then using special Lasers to regenerate the irritated nerves. Often we can reverse this completely, even if you have had it a long time.
NEUROPATHY in your feet is similar to the arms and hands. We can tell which nerve root is impinged in the legs by testing the muscles of the legs which are innervated from the spine. We can show you how you get an immediate improvement in muscle strength. If you have had it for a while, we need to repeat the process and it holds a little better each time with complete reversal for most people.
You may have Achilles tendonitis, calcaneus (heel bone) spurs, pain in the foot bones because you are walking on bones that should not be touching the ground. Fascial pain on the bottom of the feet can be caused by overstretching at the fascia on the feet, causing bone pain and spurs. This needs to be corrected by realigning the bones, using Kinesio tape to help hold the alignment and not walking on it while it tightens up again.
We are experts at reversing neuropathy/radiculopathy and are usually successful with most patients.
Come in and let us help you be pain free today!
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