The teeth are each associated with acupuncture meridians and a problem on a tooth can damage and be reflexing to an organ or a joint. I have helped many patients detoxify their tooth problems. Old root canals are often toxic and if you cannot get the dental work done right away, you can decrease the toxicity with clay packs over the teeth. I had one patient who had chronically erupting abscesses all over her body with no resolution. I convinced her to have her old root canals extracted and then she did clay packs to the bone and other areas of her body and all the abscesses cleared up and stopped erupting.
Each meridian is connected to an organ system. One of the most toxic cesspool sources of stress and infection is old root canal teeth. It is almost impossible for a dentist to kill all the toxic bacteria in a tooth root. Each tooth has main canals in each root, but multiple side little canaliculi which cannot be sterilized. So especially older root canals have had years for the toxic bacteria to percolate.
If we clay pack your toxic tooth, it can decrease the toxic exposure to your body, but not resolve it. Some people choose to do this while they contemplate having the tooth removed and/or save up their money.
If you have a toxic old root canal, when it is removed you need a cavitation surgery where the dentist cleans out all the old bacteria from the bone. I have seen x-rays where the bone around the tooth looks good, but when they extract the tooth, the bone is all soft and infected. If any of this is left, your immune system can’t get into it and it seeps through the bone and causes systemic problems. I have seen severe, chronic and deadly health problems resolve by correcting this.
You can also have a scar from a c-section, a gall bladder removal, an old burn, stitches and tearing from a vaginal delivery that is reflecting to another part of your body. We can diagnose this and find what you must do to eliminate it – usually a clay pack.
We have what Dr. Marshall called downloads – 2 hands and 2 feet which have all the major acupuncture/energetic pathways on them. We take in and exit energy through these downloads. If yours are blocked, you cannot detoxify efficiently and need to have them cleaned before you do any deeper detoxifying.
A vibrantly healthy body has an unblocked energy field, can take in and expel energy easily and is not shut down so your energy flows are smooth and supportive. Dr. Pam and Dr. Max can help you with all of this!
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