Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) Mind Body

Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) is a method of accessing retained and suppressed emotions stored in the limbic system of the brain (the amygdala) and resetting, releasing these unconscious old, charged emotions so we can live in the present. It is human nature, based on how our brain and nervous system is wired, to unconsciously remember stressful events so we can  protect ourselves in the future. We refer to this as our “reptilian brain” – just as a snake attacks to protect itself without using any higher thinking, we are hard-wired to protect ourselves from real and imagined attacks.

sad woman looking to the side

These unconscious memories lead us to react to people and events differently than if we were clear of them. Releasing these memories can open up a new life for us in family, work and relationships.

woman sitting with knees up, hands on her face, unconscious thoughts and emotions swirling behind her

We can also have memories stored in a body area. If you have chronic pain, you may have an emotional component stored there that will not respond to physical correction until the emotional component is treated.

Knees with faces of pain superimposed onto them, showing body pain for neuro-emotional technique

Dr. Pam and Dr. Max have just taken an advanced training in NET – focusing especially on relationships that encompasses relationships with a significant other, or partner, children, siblings, coworkers, neighbors and people at large.

happy group of 4 people running together while holding hands

If you have any relationships you would like to improve, come see us and we can check if you have an unconscious block controlling you – and aid you in releasing it. Then you are free to be at one and peace with yourself, others and the whole world you live in.

watercolor painting of person made of stars with their hand on their heart

Dr. Pamela Paetzhold
Dr. Maxwell Paetzhold

You can learn more about NET at NETmindbody