You need to know your heart rate, blood pressure, activity level (steps), sleep oxygen level and whether or not you have atrial fibrillation (a-fib). You may not have any complaints in these areas so you don’t think to mention it to your doctor. Most doctors need to focus on your chief complaint when you come in. So if you didn’t complain, they may not check!
I discussed in my last newsletter the equipment you should get to know your heart. Allopathic doctors will have a medication for each complaint, which are sometimes needed in the beginning. But most heart problems also have nutritional and lifestyle treatments that may work for you without the drugs.
Exercise – Your heart is a muscle and muscles atrophy if you don’t use them. My anatomy professor in chiropractor school was Dr. Titred, he said in the body you “use it or lose the use of it”
Walking is a fabulous exercise and easier on your body than running. If it is raining hard (heaven forbid that weather in Oregon) you can go to a mall to walk dry. Or my personal technique is to go to the grocery store when all I need is green onions but I walk the aisles for 30 minutes. When I had some hip pain, the grocery cart would help support me so I could walk without pain.
Nutrition – Protein, veggies and healthy fats like what is offered in the Mediterranean diet and keto diet are supreme for your heart. Zero processed foods, low sugar. Sugar is snuck into a lot of foods that look healthy. I like kombucha drinks, but they have sugar, so I dilute them 50/50 with mineral water. The diet killers of our health, heart and longevity are: dyes, bad fats, foods processed with chemicals, unfiltered water, fast food restaurants, deep fried foods and all the chemicals the FDA has allowed into our food but have been banned in Europe for a decade (genetically modified foods and roundup)!
Supplements – We can work out a specific protocol for you individually but the basics are to include:
- Co-Q-10 – An essential nutrient for everyone, but especially for people with heart problems. Co-Q-10 is like high-octane fuel for your cells and it is essential for normal function of all your cells, especially your heart, an energy hungry muscle. It charges your mitochondria, the power source inside each of our cells. If you take Statins (which I don’t recommend- they are too heart toxic), it greatly depletes your Co-Q-10 and most people start out deficient. Food sources are grass-fed meats or organs. Supplement with at least 400 to 450mg/day.
- PQQ – Triggers your heart to make healthy new mitochondria. This makes more fuel so your heart pumps with more energy. Pyrroloquinoline Quinone is what PQQ stands for. I usually recommend a Co-Q-10 that has PQQ with it. It is expensive, but less so if combined and I want you to have both! Food sources are kiwi fruit, green peppers, carrots, potatoes, cabbage and bananas. Take at least 20mg/day.
- D-Ribose – This is a carbohydrate found in every living cell. It is essential for the energy production in heart muscle. Even more so if you have heart failure. Doses are 5 grams 3 times per day. Mix with water, it dissolves easily and tastes good.
- L-Carnitine – Is an amino acid produced by the body which helps weight loss, increases brain function and helps our muscles do more with less oxygen. It increases fatty acid metabolism inside heart tissue. It can prevent and even reverse angina (heart pain from low oxygen supply) and heart failure.
Number one action to take is to get adjusted and muscle balanced. The nerves that control your heart muscle and autonomic nervous system all come from the spine. If you chronically hang your head forward in space, such as over a computer or book, you will cause spasms of those muscles and decrease nerve flow!
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